Zipline Bank-by-Phone
Your Account at your Fingertips
We have upgraded our ZIPLINE, please click here for insructions on registering with the upgraded system.
Access your accounts using a touch-tone phone day or night. It's easy to use and free of charge.
What ZIPLINE Can Do For You:
- Balance Inquiries - Determine the current and available balance in your shares, checking, certificate, and personal shares.
- Loan Inquiries - Determine the amount of your current loan payment, its due date, balance, and the payoff amount of your loan.
- Check Inquiries - Find out if certain checks have cleared your account.
- Transfers - Transfer money between your shares, checking, and personal accounts. Funds may also be transferred to make loan payments.
- And more - Make loan payments, determine how much interest and dividends you've earned, and change your password to ensure continued security.
To get started, call the ZIPLINE number at (800) 339-4818 to register.